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上海浩博(HOPPT)机械制造有限公司。30多年的生产及研发历史铸就了新加坡陈宝光机械制造有限公司在国际机械市场上卓越的声誉和品牌知名度,同时也使由陈宝光公司于中国上海注册成立的独资企业——上海浩博(HOPPT)机械制造有限公司得到了良好的延续与发扬。上海浩博机械制造有限公司成立于1999年,注册资金200万美元,投资总额高达280万美元,拥有400多名员工及15000多平米的企业生产基地。“顾客的需求是浩博的追求,持续的改进是浩博的前进”是浩博企业永恒不变的经营理念;引自日本、台湾的数百架各类专业设备、最先进的检测手段(三坐标量仪、气动量仪等)、ISO9001国际认证(在新加坡模架生产领域,陈宝光企业率先通过ISO9001国际认证)体系、饮誉国际市场的产品品质……是浩博决胜机械市场的坚厚实力。浩博产品源自新加坡陈宝光公司,目前可为广大行业客户提供如下产品服务:小型建筑机械,铣刨机、振动棒及水泵、冲击夯、抹平机、振动式平板夯、压路机、割路机等;模架和模架配件,超过2000种不同尺寸组合的标准型半组装/全组装模架、按客户需求定制的导柱导套;精加工,工业所需的各种机械零件、铸件和精加工零部件;电梯部件组装等。从美国到南非再到澳大利亚,浩博的客户遍布全球各地;在亚太地区,浩博更以其优质的服务使众多合作客户成为经济时代的弄潮儿。浩博在提供精良机械设备的同时,更注重一流服务的品牌打造。公司拥有一支技术精湛,年轻而富于激情的优秀服务团队。多年来,这支团队热忱地为广大客户提供着最可靠、最有保障的技术支持和售后服务,他们竭尽全力在第一时间帮助客户解决遇到的任何问题和困难,赢得了客户的深深信赖与好评。面对激烈的市场竞争,浩博将凭借强大的技术优势、完善的服务将公司推向更深、更广的发展领域!30 years of production and R&D has brought Singapore’s TAN POH KWANG MANUFACTURING & ENGINEERING PTE LTD (TPKME) to a level where her brand and product is recognized in the world market today. At the same time TPKME has also developed close relation ties with her counterpart SHANGHAI HOPPT MECHANISM MANUFACTURE CO LTD (SHMM) which was registered at Shanghai.SHMM was established in 1999 with a start-up capital of US$2 million and a total investment of more than US$2.8 million. It has more than 400 employees and its premise at about 15,000 square meters. Hoppt’s never changing corporate motto “Customers’ Requirements is Hoppt’s Pursue, Continuous Improvement Brings Hoppt Forward” has brought Hoppt to setup its facilities with advanced machines from Taiwan and Japan. Hoppt also possesses latest technology in quality control and inspection through ISO9001 certification. This has let Hoppt to secure a good market share in the market.Hoppt products originated from TPKME and at the moment its product range consists of: Light Construction Equipment - Concrete Scarifier, Concrete Vibrator, Submersible Pump, Tamping Rammer, Power Trowel, Vibratory Plate Compactor, Vibratory Roller, Surface Ginder, etc. Mould-Base&Components-Over 2,000 different combinations of different dimension standards, half-assembled and fully-assembled, all according to the customers’ requirements. Precision Engineering – Industrial used parts & components that need precise machining work. Hoppt products can be found throughout the world, from North America to South Africa to Australia and Asia.While providing excellent machineries, Hoppt pays more attention to the quality of service. The company possesses a group of excellent and trained service staffs. Over the years, this team has serviced Hoppt customers well and always there for the customers. The team provides reliable after sales service in timely and efficient way. This has won the trust of the customers.With the current market competitiveness, Hoppt will improve on its technology strongly and fine tune its service letting the company grow a step further.
公司名称: 上海浩博(HOPPT)机械制造有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 江苏省/南京市 公司规模: 1-49人
注册资本: 50万人民币 注册年份: 2009
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商
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