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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-10-09 08:21:35    来源:路面机械网    作者:路面机械网    浏览次数:724    评论:0


Dear Global Colleagues at XCMG,

明月海天阔,山河沐清辉。值此中秋、国庆佳节来临之际,我谨代表徐工集团、徐工机械董事会、党委和经营班子,向徐工全球同仁们致以崇高的敬意和节日的问候! 并通过你们,向支持徐工珠峰登顶伟大事业发展、默默坚守和付出的家属们表示最衷心的感谢和最美好的祝福!

The bright moon shines upon the boundless earth, casting a gentle radiance upon it. On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese National Day, on behalf of the Board of Directors and the senior management team of XCMG Group and XCMG Machinery, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude and best wishes to all of our global colleagues at XCMG.

I would also like to extend my most sincere appreciation and offer my best wishes to your families for their consistent support and contributions in the endeavor of promoting XCMG on a fast track to a world-class enterprise.


Since this year, the whole company has firmly anchored itself to Two Strategic Targets and resolutely implemented the development policy of "High quality, Risk control, World-class Enterprise, and Steady growth."

We have vigorously executed strategic moves such as Digitalization and Intelligence, Internationalization, Reform, Innovation, Green Development, Service Transformation, and Talent Recruitment, empowering the transformation of the entire value chain.

As a result, XCMG has secured its position as NO. 3 in the global construction machinery industry, with international revenue accounting for 40% of the overall business revenue, marking our entry into the path of connotative high-quality development.


Achieving these results was not easy and has been truly inspiring, thanks to your hard work and dedication! It's all because of your courageous and forward-looking spirit!


People who are alone in a foreign country will miss their loved ones extraordinarily during the holiday. At this very moment, we are even more deeply missing for the pioneers of XCMG's internationalization who are still working around the world. It is your dedication, perseverance, and ability to overcome obstacles that have propelled XCMG's global business to a new stage.


This year, I have led teams to conduct on-site visits to various countries and regions, including Germany, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and so on. During these visits, I saw the relentless perseverance and remarkable achievements of every XCMGer who is pioneering the global market.


Thank you for choosing to stay and work in global markets. Thank you for enabling more global customers to know, choose and love XCMG. Thank you for your dedication for making XCMG more widely known, accepted and recognized by the world.


The new era calls for new actions, so "New XCMG" has taken on new responsibilities. All of us will maintain unwavering confidence and determination and remain committed to our annual goals. We will take on greater responsibilities, adopt a more positive mindset, and embrace a practical work style to build a modern industrial system and create a world-class enterprise. So, we will undoubtedly continue to achieve new results in high-quality development.


As we think and work together, we can undoubtedly transform our ambitious goal of reaching the top of the industry into reality.


Even though we are miles apart, we can still share the beauty of this full moon together. I wholeheartedly wish you and your family health, happiness, and a joyful holiday!


Yang Dongsheng ,

Chairman of XCMG Group and XCMG Machinery


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